Women’s Resilience During Covid
The careers and businesses of women have been especially hard hit during Covid. Female-owned businesses have been harder hit than their male-owned counterparts. However, women have also stepped up and their leadership has shone through this crisis. And there is research to show this!
Here are a variety of informative articles and resources we thought would be helpful to share with you:
Research: Women Are Better Leaders During a Crisis
Why COVID-19 Is Hurting More Women-Owned Businesses
COVID-19 Has Inordinately Affected Women In Business: Report
Resources for Women Business Owners
Women’s Business Enterprise National Council Covid resources
We know with resilience and planning women can make it through this difficult time. Let us know how we can help you with your planning! We offer comprehensive and customized strategies designed to help women manage their assets and feel confident in their future.
Contact Deb to have a discussion about your financial situation.